Office 365 SMTP Settings

Update, in new office 365 UI:

Server name:
Port: 587
Encryption method: TLS

  1. Login in to the Microsoft Online Services Portal.
  2. Click on Outlook.
  3. Click on the question mark icon in the upper right corner of the page.
  4. Click on About.
  5. There will be a section titled External SMTP setting that will contain the server name, encryption type and port. You will be able to use those along with your username and password to send email from devices/programs.


Change Office 365 Password Expiration Period

Update: This is now available via the Office 365 administration portal:

Screen Shot 2013-10-11 at 10.03.26 AM

If 90 days seems too short of a period before your Office 365 users’ passwords expire, you can change it via a powershell cmdlet.

Set-MsolPasswordPolicy -ValidityPeriod <days> -NotificationDays <days> -DomainName

Validity Period: time before expiration

Notification Days: how many days prior to expiration that the user begins to receive notification pop-up

Make sure you use Powershell to connect to MS online service first:

My idea for a general use, straight-forward, easy to use online marketplace.

It will let you browse listings (including ones from craigslist) in a google map view, so directions and understanding of the location are a cinch. It will have helpful filters that are actually useful, for filtering out the crap.

Listing an item will be a one page process, with support for dragging and dropping photos, and cross-listing onto ebay, amazon, craigslist, and as many other marketplaces as can be added. That way sellers can make sure their product is exposed to as many people as possible as the userbase for whatvr will obviously be small at first. The ability to cross-list will be a big selling point.

Some mockups:

Comments and feedback are welcome. Even if it’s something like, “no one needs this and it’s a terrible idea.”

Rebecca Sugar’s Adventure Time demos

I put together the talented Rebecca Sugar’s song demos for Adventure Time:

Rebecca Sugar – Adventure Time demos mp3

I found them on her blogs and, and figured that I’m probably not the only fan who wants to listen to her amazing songs on my phone and computer. Thanks Rebecca for putting them online!

Track listing:

  • Rebecca Sugar – All Gummed Up Inside.mp3
  • Rebecca Sugar – All Warmed Up Inside.mp3
  • Rebecca Sugar – I’m Just Your Problem.mp3
  • Rebecca Sugar – My Best Friends in the World.mp3
  • Rebecca Sugar – Oh Fionna.mp3
  • Rebecca Sugar – Sleepy Puppies.mp3
  • Rebecca Sugar – Susan Strong.mp3
  • Rebecca Sugar – The song from Nightosphere.mp3
  • Rebecca Sugar – Tropical Island Song.mp3
flame princess sketch, also by Rebecca Sugar

Adventure Time soundtrack

Adventure Time music is awesome, so I’ve spent some time scouring the internets for all music and songs related to Adventure Time. Too bad there’s probably a lot of legalities concerning releasing something like that.

If only there was an official one fans could buy. Oh well – expect the compilation post soon =).

Marceline with her axe bass.


Longevous Joy Menu

Longevousjoy (or Longevous Joy) menu, a restaurant in the Bensonhurst part of Brooklyn.

When I tried this spot a very very long time ago (I think around 2011) the ramen was warm as opposed to hot, the pork was somewhat tough, and I don’t remember noodles or broth being anything special. However it was shortly before closing time, so perhaps that had an effect on the food.

HelloWorld Android App in 10 Steps

Finished product.

I was a little annoyed by the fact that the setup of a development environment and the creation of a simple app for the Android system was so spread out all over the place on Android’s developer website, so I decided to write up my own quick guide/tutorial/howto.

Don’t get me wrong, the developer website is great, I just wanted all the steps to installing the environment and creating an app in one place.

These instructions apply whether you’re using a Mac, PC, or Linux. All of the software below is cross-platform.

Please leave a comment if anything is unclear.

1)   If you don’t already have it, download/install JDK.

2)   Download and install Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (any package of Eclipse should be okay though; this particular one was the smallest download).

3)   Download and install the latest version of Android SDK. Continue reading “HelloWorld Android App in 10 Steps”