HelloWorld Android App in 10 Steps

Finished product.

I was a little annoyed by the fact that the setup of a development environment and the creation of a simple app for the Android system was so spread out all over the place on Android’s developer website, so I decided to write up my own quick guide/tutorial/howto.

Don’t get me wrong, the developer website is great, I just wanted all the steps to installing the environment and creating an app in one place.

These instructions apply whether you’re using a Mac, PC, or Linux. All of the software below is cross-platform.

Please leave a comment if anything is unclear.

1)   If you don’t already have it, download/install JDK.

2)   Download and install Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (any package of Eclipse should be okay though; this particular one was the smallest download).

3)   Download and install the latest version of Android SDK. Continue reading “HelloWorld Android App in 10 Steps”

Citizen Gotham2 Folding Bike Review


I think I’m a fairly moderate user of bicycles. While I don’t commute on a bicycle every day, it’s one of my primary modes of transportation – whether I’m going to get groceries, on an errand, rock-climbing at my local gym, etc. Basically any destination that’s less than 10 miles away.

I have also often been in situations where I needed to transport my bicycle – the college I attend is 60 miles away so I often take a train to get there, or a car (if I have access to one). With a bicycle I can skip the subway/campus bus on my way to the train/parking lot, and also get around campus.

A normal bicycle is rather unwieldy in that you will either end up sitting in a special section on the train while making sure you’re bike is stable for 2 hours, if you’re lucky, or standing on the train for 2 hours. If you’re driving, you would need a large car to fit the bicycle, or a bicycle rack to set up every time you take it with you. This is where I was hoping a folding bike like Gotham2 would come in handy.

Continue reading “Citizen Gotham2 Folding Bike Review”