At least her credit card is safe.

(RetailDayton, OH, USA)

(A little girl walks up to me and my coworker. She is crying.)

Me: “Oh, honey. What’s wrong?”

Girl: “I can’t find my mom.”

Me: “Well, I can page over the speaker for her. What’s her name?”

(She gives me the name. My coworker gets a description of her mother as I page. When it’s a lost child, all we say is ‘We have something of yours’ for safety reasons. This is to make sure the child does go with their actual parent.)

Girl: “I think she left.”

Coworker: “No, she didn’t. She’s probably looking for you.”

Girl: “She said she was going to leave me if I didn’t keep up.”

Me: “She didn’t mean it. Don’t worry, she’ll be here.”

(We get the girl to talk about her school and dog to keep her mind off how scared she is. It is the longest we have waited for a parent to come. Her mother finally gets there, and stops as soon as she sees her daughter.)

Mother: “Oh, you! I thought I lost my credit card. Well, come on already! You’ve slowed me down enough.”

(The girl quietly walks over to her mother.)

Mother, to me: “Next time, just say it’s my daughter so I know not to rush!”


Tiger Mom Lecture at Stuyvesant

I don’t know why I was surprised when I saw it: Amy Chua (Tiger Mom) will be giving a lecture at my old high school. I have a feeling there wont be too much support from the students despite the fact that many of them had the same kind of parenting she encourages. However I may be mistaken.

Unfortunately tickets are $45 so I definitely wont find out.

Stuy ambitions

From this month’s Stuyvesant High School Alumni newsletter:

Among the additional allocation requests we would like to have the resources to fill this spring are:

  • Physics: Purchase equipment for ion/plasma thruster

I hope they’re making spaceships. Also, I regret never making a spaceship at Stuy.

Sample SMTP interaction

this is what happens every time you send an email, between the receiving server and the transmitting client – it’s kinda cute

the contents of the email are after server says “354 Enter mail…”

Server: 220
Client: HELO
S: 250 Hello, pleased to meet you
S: 250… Sender ok
S: 250 … Recipient ok
S: 354 Enter mail, end with “.” on a line by itself
C: Do you like ketchup?
C: How about pickles?
C: .
S: 250 Message accepted for delivery
S: 221 closing connection

How to Make Smartphone Apps

This month I will be holding several events teaching how to make apps in 7 steps using AppMakr – no programming required! Also, for every app you publish (using AppMakr or not) before June 15th, Microsoft will send you a $15 Amazon gift card.

Check back here soon for more details on dates and times of my workshops. I’ll also send a message to anyone who’s already RSVPed.

During the events we will be using the following guide to register on App Hub (app marketplace), create an app, and get it published for anyone to download and use.

If you want to get started by yourself (a good idea since the registration process takes 1-2 days) feel free to download the guide and if you get stuck on anything I’ll be sure to explain it at one of the workshops. Or just make a post on the wall.

If you end up publishing an app yourself, fill out this form and send me a facebook message: