Stretches and Exercises for Lower Back Pain

A little unusual of a post for this blog, but recently, my recurring lower back pain soreness and pain has returned. In order to address this soreness, I found an incredibly helpful set of stretches on youtube from a channel called Activ Chiropractic. By doing each stretch for about 10 seconds, a lot of my soreness and pain goes away.

In order to make these stretches easy to reference, I made a screenshot of each stretch and a single image with all the stretches combined. Since it’s been so helpful to me, I figured I would share it with the world on my blog.

Build a Javascript Slack App

A Summary of the Official Building a Bolt JS App

  1. Create a new slack app in the apps portal.
  2. Go to Basic Information page in the apps portal and install the app in your Slack instance.
  3. To edit and host the code for your slack app: Create a Glitch app from Slack’s template.
  4. Copy the signing secret and the Bot token from Basic Information and OAuth pages in the apps portal into your glitch app’s .env file.
  5. Go to Event Subscriptions in the apps portal and add app_home_opened.
    1. request_url for glitch apps is
    2. Add bot event app_home_opened. Save changes.
  6. Go to your app’s “home” page in the Slack app. You should see the example text and button from the code in Glitch.
  7. You can now use shortcuts, listen for events, post messages, and more with the bolt js framework. To try one, just replace the example “app.home.opened” function.
  8. Each of the functions above has listener functions for interacting with Slack. 

Add a Shortcut in a Bolt JS Slack App

  1. Go to your app’s Interactivity page in the apps portal.
    1. request_url for glitch apps is
    2. Name is whatever you want showing up in the Slack app.
    3. callback_id is your function name that you will use in your code.
  2. In glitch, add the code from
  3. That’s it. To add more functionality to your shortcut, check out
slack shortcut example
slack shortcut example

Kubernetes FAQ

Recently I’ve been working a lot with kubernetes at my job. I’ve written up a bunch of internal documentation based on my work, and because it’s not company-specific I decided I’m going to share it here for anyone trying to find answers on the internet.

Table of Contents:

  1. what is k8s?
  2. view nodes in a nodegroup
  1. view pods on a node
  2. restart deployment
  3. insufficient cpu, insufficient memory errors
  4. deployment is not ready
  5. CrashLoopBackoff
  6. pod didn’t trigger scale-up
  7. how do I avoid accidentally running a kubectl command on the wrong cluster?

What is Kubernetes? How do I use it?

Kubernetes is an open source container orchestration engine for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Check out official docs here:

View Nodes in a Nodegroup

Confirm the nodegroup you’re checking actually exists (e.g. you’re looking for pods running under engtools-infra/my-app) by listing all the nodegroups in a certain namespace:

k get nodegroup -n engtools-infra

Get the nodes under that nodegroup:

k get nodes -o wide | grep my-app

View Pods on a Node

View pods under a node with the following command (replace NODE_NAME_GOES_HERE with the node’s name, e.g. ip-10-10-12-123.ec2.internal).

k get pod --field-selector=spec.nodeName=NODE_NAME_GOES_HERE -owide --all-namespaces | grep -v -E "( kube-proxy-| kube2iam-|  local-volume-provisioner-| node-monitoring-| localusers-)"

Restart Deployment

Make sure you’re in the right cluster, get the deployment name, then use the rollout command.

k config current-context
k get deployment -n [NAMESPACE]
k rollout restart deployment [DEPLOYMENT_NAME] -n [NAMESPACE]

insufficient cpu, insufficient memory errors

If you’re seeing errors about insufficient resources, or node(s) had taint … that the pod didn’t tolerate warnings, you probably need to define instanceType and resources attributes in your service k8s objects / charts. For example, something like the following:

  instanceType: c5.2xlarge
      cpu: "3"
      memory: "4G"
      cpu: "4"
      memory: "6G"

Deployment is not ready

A log you might see when deploying with Bazel is Deployment is not ready: <service>. 0 out of 2 expected pods are ready. This usually means k8s pods are in a CLB or some other non-ready status.

Use kubectl commands to check on the pods’ status and logs. Usual status check command:

kubectl -n NAMESPACE get pods


If you see CrashLoopBackOff status on one of your pods, that means it’s crashing (I know, thanks captain obvious).

Check the pod logs: k logs CRASHING_POD -n NAMESPACE.

Find the deployment.yaml file describing the launch instructions for this pod. Find the command attribute in that file, comment out the value underneath it, and add the following:

          - tail
          - "-f"
          - /dev/null

Then re-deploy the pod. This will allow you to SSH into the pod, run the failing command manually, and generally get more info about the problem.

You might also need to comment out the liveness/readiness container specs in deployment.yaml, as those will often cause the pod to crash as well if there’s an issue with the primary container.

More info about troubleshooting crashloopbackoff pods can be found in this article.

pod didn’t trigger scale-up

Normal   NotTriggerScaleUp    19m                  cluster-autoscaler   pod didn’t trigger scale-up: 3 node(s) had taint {node: database-rev-eng-8c38-pool1}, that the pod didn’t tolerate…

Potentially a node group or a scaling group issue. For example, you might have a single AutoScalingGroup (asg) under your nodegroup-controller which has reached its max size. In this case, adding autoscaling: true option to your charts may be required in order to have more ASGs created.

If adding nodegroup options, you may need to delete the existing nodegroups (krm ng NODEGROUP_NAME -n NAMESPACE) for the option to take effect. After creating the new nodegroup, the cluster autoscaler may need to pass by, which can take a few minutes. So if you’re still seeing the scale-up messages and your pod in a Pending status after such a change you may need to give it a little time.

How do I avoid accidentally running a kubectl command on the wrong cluster?

Use Explicit Context in Commands

kubectl –context get pods -n mynamespace  


kube-ps1 will show you what cluster and namespace you’ve set in your prompt, which helps avoid this issue:

After installing it with homebrew, add this to your .rc file and restart your terminal to enable it:

source /usr/local/opt/kube-ps1/share/

It works great in conjunction with using kubectx and kubens to change your context/cluster/namespace.

It’s very easy to change contexts in a different terminal and have a stale prompt showing the old context. Press enter to refresh the prompt.


If you use powerlevel10k, it can dynamically update your prompt with the current context when you’re typing a kubectl command –


‘Clear Formatting’ Shortcut Fix

Recently my ‘clear formatting’ shortcut for most google apps (Command (or Cmd) ? + \) stopped working on my Macbook.

This was very frustrating as I use it all the time.

Apparently the 1password took over this shortcut since it uses cmd+\ to fill logins, silently. I was able to change the shortcut in 1password preferences, at which point clear formatting started working again.

In the future, if you have a similar issue, there’s also an app called ShortcutDetective that can help you find out if a keyboard shortcut is being used for an app on your Mac.

View Pods in a Nodegroup

Confirm the nodegroup you’re checking actually exists (e.g. you’re looking for pods running under product-team/fubar) by listing all the nodegroups in a certain namespace:

get nodegroup -n product-team

Get the nodes under that nodegroup:

get nodes -o wide | grep fubar

Get the pods under those nodes (replace NODE_NAME_GOES_HERE with the name you got from the command above, e.g. ip-10-111-22-333.ec2.internal):

k get pod --field-selector=spec.nodeName=NODE_NAME_GOES_HERE -owide --all-namespaces

Parking Near Airports in NYC

Little trick I learned from living in NYC.

There’s free street parking in neighborhoods like Ozone Park near JFK on streets that don’t have street cleaning, for example on 120th St between 133rd Ave and Sutter Ave. You can park there, and then take public transit or uber to JFK. I’ve done this at least twice now.

This is fairly low risk if you’re not going away for more than a week. The only issue is if you leave the car for too long I imagine it might be reported as abandoned and get towed.

You can do a similar sort of thing near LGA, which I’ve done MANY times now, but there are no streets without street cleaning, so you either need to make sure your trip is 6 days or less, or cough up the $65 ticket for street cleaning.

The nice thing about LGA, is that street parking is close enough to the airport that you can just walk to the terminal, or take a kick scooter and then lock it up at one of the bike racks outside the terminals.

I love not needing to spend $60-80 for airport transportation and being able to drive myself 95% of the way there. I usually walk to LGA too instead of taking an Uber after finding a spot.

Bulk Delete Projects in Jira

Had to do this recently for a lot of test projects that were created in our Jira sandbox instance.

It’s a small python script using Jira API and the requests python library.

import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth

domain = ""
admin_user = ""
admin_token = "JIRA_ADMIN_TOKEN"
project_query = "PROJECTS_I_WANT_TO_DELETE"

def getJson(url, auth):
    r = requests.request(
        headers={"Accept": "application/json"},
    return r.json()

def deleteProject(id, auth):
    r = requests.request(
        domain + "/rest/api/3/project/" + id,
    return r.text

search_url = domain + "/rest/api/3/project/search?query=" + project_query
auth = HTTPBasicAuth(admin_user, admin_token)
json = getJson(search_url, auth)

projectIds = []

# append results across all pages, while there's still a nextPage, to projectIds array
while "nextPage" in json:
    nextUrl = json["nextPage"]
    for searchResult in json['values']:
        # optional safety check to make sure the right project is being added to the deletion array
        # if "PROJECT_NAME_I_INTEND_TO_DELETE" in searchResult["name"]:
    print("Number of project IDs found matching the search query: " + str(len(projectIds)))
    json = getJson(nextUrl, auth)

# append a single page, or the last page of results, to projectIds array
for searchResult in json['values']:
    # optional safety check to make sure the right project is being added to the deletion array
    # if "PROJECT_NAME_I_INTEND_TO_DELETE" in searchResult["name"]:
print("Number of project IDs found matching the search query: " + str(len(projectIds)))

# delete projects in projectIds array
for index, id in enumerate(projectIds):
    print("Deleting project " + id + ". Projects remaining: " + str(len(projectIds)-index))
    print(deleteProject(id, auth))

Facebook Login Quick Start – iOS Swift 3 and Xcode 8

Here is yet another entry in my iOS developer journey in which I try to improve upon available official documentation.

Facebook’s login SDK for iOS has been around for a while and has gone through several iterations/updates. There are various tutorials online which have these issues among others:

  • Official Facebook Login SDK for Swift docs do not go over required Info.plist and AppDelegate.swift changes for their SDK to work, and appears to use old Swift 2 syntax.
  • Various online tutorials are still using no longer necessary objective-C bridging headers.
  • Facebook’s developer quick start for iOS steps only use objective-C syntax.

So as with Parse, I will combine the steps for doing a quick and easy Facebook Login setup in Swift 3.

Quick Start

  1. Create new app at This is straight-forward and simply requires a unique display name.
  2. Install Facebook libraries using cocoapods. You can do this using carthage or manually, but so far I’ve found cocoapods to be the most ubiquitous and easy way. If you haven’t used Cocoapods before, my previous post on using Parse has some additional information.
    target 'XCODE-PROJECT-NAME' do
      pod 'FacebookCore'
      pod 'FacebookLogin'
      pod 'FacebookShare'
  3. Go to your new facebook app’s dashboard on and use “Quick Start” button under Facebook Login section to set your bundle identifier and to get the required code for your project’s Info.plist file. You can ignore/skip all the steps except 3 and 5. Make sure you get both sections for your Info.plist file in step 5.
  4. Add AppDelegate.swift methods that enable Facebook to leave and return to your app when your users try to sign in with Facebook.
    import FacebookCore
    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
            // Override point for customization after application launch.
            SDKApplicationDelegate.shared.application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions)
            return true
    func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
            let handled = SDKApplicationDelegate.shared.application(app, open: url, options: options)
            return handled
  5. Finally add the code for creating a facebook login button in your app.
    import FacebookLogin
    class ViewController: UIViewController {
        override func viewDidLoad() {
            // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
                let loginButton = LoginButton(readPermissions: [ .publicProfile ])

You should now have an access token with public profile permissions for the user account that signed in with the facebook login button.


  • You may get the error: “OSStatus error -10814″. Don’t worry, this just means the facebook app isn’t installed in your simulator or on your device. Facebook Login API will still work.
  • [Update September 27, 2017] You might notice 3 errors (“contentDescription” etc) in your xcode project resulting from the facebook cocoapods. There’s an existing issue thread about these due to deprecated code, and it might very well be fixed by the time you’re reading this tutorial. The fix is easy, as you can simply comment out the lines that result in the errors.

Parse Quick Start for iOS Swift 3 and Xcode 8

So now that you set up a free Parse server on Heroku using my previous guide you might be wondering how to start using it in your iOS project. Checking the main Parse documentation shows a bunch of Objective-C, which isn’t helpful if you’re using Swift 3.

Here are the steps I gathered from perusing the web and some testing:

  1. Install Parse libraries (SDK/Framework).
    1. I prefer cocoapods to maintain to a single standard and since so many other frameworks use it.
    2. Create ‘Podfile‘ file in the xcode project folder with the following contents:
      source ''
      platform :ios, '10.0'
      target 'PROJECT_NAME' do
        pod 'Parse'
    3. Run ‘pod install‘ in terminal in the same directory as the Podfile.
  2. Connect your Swift 3 app to Parse server.
    1. Import Parse framework by adding ‘import Parse‘ at the top of ‘AppDelegate.swift‘ file.
    2. In ‘AppDelegate.swift‘ under function ‘application(… didFinishLaunchingWithOptions …)‘ add the following code:
      let configuration = ParseClientConfiguration {
      	$0.applicationId = "YOUR_PARSE_APP_ID"
      	$0.clientKey = "YOUR_PARSE_CLIENT_KEY"
      	$0.server = ""
      Parse.initialize(with: configuration)
  3. Test Parse server connection.
    1. Import Parse framework by adding ‘import Parse‘ at the top of ‘ViewController.swift‘ file.
    2. In ‘ViewController.swift‘ file, add the following code under function ‘ViewDidLoad‘:
      let testObj = PFObject(className: "testObj")
      testObj["foo"] = "bar"
    3. You should see the new object in your Parse Dashboard.


If XCode can’t find the Parse module with the import command after you open the new .xcworkspace file, try the following:

  • Press Command+Option+Shift+K and then Run your app.
  • Or from the menu -> Product, press Option on your keyboard and you’ll see Clean Build Folder.